JANEL REID | OkAY Ceramics

MAP NO. 15

Growing up in a small Canadian town, surrounded by mountains & the mundane, it was a hard place to separate yourself from the clutches of the generational patterns before you. A shift in life, meant a shift in confidence & comfort, breaking free the creative that was buried below the surface.

Many years of kitchen table handbuilding, lead to a passion that became adored in restaurants across the country. Food delivered on a plate stamped with your fingertips & still warm with the memories of a new glaze anticipation, is an excitement that will forever make your heart sing & bring delight to my tiny little diners on a rare night out on the town. 

A slow, but in time, addition of wheel thrown pots has been a welcomed jolt into a new creative wave. The resilience that comes from a collapsed wall, misplaced trim, or a (but not limited to) complete uncentred disaster, is a part of the process that is eternally humbling & welcomed.

Letting the clay take the wheel brings a sense of unforced magic that can delight or bemuse on any given throw. When the day comes to a close, the perfectly imperfect always make the cut, a slight wobble shows a lapse in concentration, & the best are sometimes just okay. 

Janel will have firsts, seconds, singles & weirdos available to purchase throughout the weekend. 

Janel’s studio is shared with Hayden Scott.



Saturday & Sunday

19 Kitewaho Road

Wheelchair Accessible.
On street parking only